Friday, February 16, 2007

it may not always be so; and i say, e.e. cummings

In e.e. cummings’ it may not always be so; and i say, he talks a lot about what would become of him if he were to lose his girlfriend and have to see her with some other guy in a short time period. Although it is unclear whether he is speaking and directing this poem to his girlfriend or to the man that she leaves him for, I believe that he is directing this poem to his girlfriend and just letting her know what would become of him if she were to leave him. He mentions that if his girlfriend were to do the things she does with him with some other guy he would just walk up to him and give him his happiness, because his happiness consists of having her in his life, and once that ends, he would much rather, or he might as well go and give his happiness away. This poem has a unique rhyme scheme because it has different rhyme schemes for each of the stanzas. For instance the first stanza has a rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA. I think that in comparison to the second stanza which has a rhyme scheme of CDECDE, the first stanza’s rhyme scheme becomes significant because in the first stanza he is talking about the things that he loves about his girlfriend, while in the second stanza is when he loses control and speaks about what he will do and what will happen to her if she were to leave her for someone else.
I think that this poem can relate to so many people in so many different ways. Personally, when I read this I thought about what would become of me if something were to happen to Noel and me. We have gone through so much together, he is my support system, one of the only people who knows things about me, and if that were to just fade away, I would not know what to do with myself. The poet, however, sounds really resigned about his girlfriend leaving, and in a way that makes sense because of she does not want to be with her then why fight? I, however would fight for my love, and I would do anything I could do in order to keep him. It may not be the smartest thing to do, but in a personal note, I would definitely fight in order to keep my love with Noel until the end, because the love I feel for him, does not come around everyday.

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